Pre & Post Care Instructions

For best results please review our instructions

Neurotoxin Injections

    • Do not consume alcoholic beverages at least 24 hours prior to treatment (alcohol may thin the blood and increase the risk of bruising.

    • Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, if possible for a period of 2 weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as aspirin, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.

    • Schedule your appointment at least 2 weeks prior to a special event which you may be attending, such as a wedding or a vacation. Results from the injections will take approximately 4 to 7 days to appear. Also bruising and swelling may be apparent in that time period.

    • Reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you have a rash, cold sore or blemish on the area.

    • Be sure to have a good breakfast, including food and drink before your procedure. This will decrease the chances of lightheadedness during your treatment.

    • No massaging / hard pressure on the injected area(s), especially lips.

    • No make up on the injected area(s) for the rest of the day.

    • No strenuous activity for 24 hours.

    • Avoid alcohol, Advil and blood thinners the night of.

    • Avoid smoking.

    • Avoid straws after lip injections.

    Expect tenderness, itching, swelling and potential bruising to the injected area(s). If you have serious pain, contact the nurse immediately. Swelling can be temporarily asymmetrical, this is normal.


    • Do not use topical agents that may increase the sensitivity of your skin such as retinoids, exfoliants, topical antibiotics or acids 5-7 days prior to your treatment.

    • Do not take anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin, or Advil for at least 3 days prior to your microneedling session. These will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical for your skin rejuvenation.

    • Avoid IPL/Laser procedures, unprotected sun exposure, or sunburn for at least 2 weeks prior to your procedure.

    • No waxing, depilatory creams, or electrolysis to the area being treated for 5-7 days prior.

    • Do not shave the day of the procedure to avoid skin irritation. If there’s dense hair present in the treatment area, shave the day before you arrive for your appointment.

    • If you’re prone to cold sores, take an antiviral agent for 2 days prior to and the day of the treatment.

    • Avoid blood thinning agents for one week prior because bruising is a common side effect of microneedling.

    • Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications for one week after the procedure.

    • Do not use ice on your face, and avoid using arnica/bromelain. These may interfere with the natural inflammatory process that’s critical for your skin rejuvenation.

    • Avoid sun tanning and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks. After 24 hours, always use sunblock (30 SPF or higher) and wear a hat if you’re outside.

    • Use a painkiller, such as Tylenol, if you experience any soreness.


    • Wash your hair as you normally would with regular shampoo, but do not use conditioner.

    • Avoid the application of sprays, gel or any styling products to your hair or scalp.

    • Please have breakfast/lunch as usual and try to drink at least 16 ounces of water at least 2-3 hours before your treatment.

    • Avoid the sun to your face and scalp for 72 hours after your treatment.

    • Use a clean pillowcase the night after your treatment.

    • Avoid blood thinners such as alcohol and NSAIDS the night after your treatment. You can take Tylenol.

    • Avoid smoking.

    • Results take two to three weeks to show and most individuals require three to four sessions for optimal, long-lasting results.

Fat Dissolving Injections

  • Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, if possible for a period of 2 weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as aspirin, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.

    • Immediately following the procedure, ice should be applied to the area and may be applied as needed to reduce swelling for the first 48 hours.

    • Do not wash or take a shower for at least 4 hours after treatment.

    • Arnica gel can be applied three times a day for 48 hours to resolve bruising.

    • Do not take anti-inflammatories or Vitamin E for 24 hours after injections. You can use painkillers (paracetamol) for any discomfort.

    • Hot tubs, saunas, Jacuzzis and massages are not recommended for 48 hours after treatment. After 48 hours, these ARE recommended to assist in healing.

    • Avoid direct sun exposure, tanning beds for two weeks post treatment.

    • Massage the treated area for about 15 minutes per day for two weeks after treatment to aid the process of fat elimination.

    • Walking 20-30 minutes daily during the course of treatment will aid in effectiveness. Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours.

    • Drink lots of water for the first 24 hours.

    • Avoid alcohol to facilitate hepatic handling of toxins.

Hyperhydrosis Treatment (Excessive Sweating)

  • Avoid anti-inflammatory/blood thinning medications, if possible for a period of 2 weeks before treatment. Medications and supplements such as aspirin, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, St. John’s Wort, Omega 3/Fish Oil supplements, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Aleve and other NSAIDS have a blood thinning effect and can increase the risk of bruising and swelling after injections.

    • You can resume your normal activities immediately after receiving Botox injections.

    • It will take between two and seven days for you to stop sweating in the treated area. It can take two weeks for total dryness.

Chemical Peel

    • Use a physical sunscreen with at least an SPF 30+ every day rain or shine for at least three weeks prior to the chemical peel.

    • Stop the use of any benzoyl peroxide product or any other product that can cause dryness, redness or irritation three days prior to the chemical peel.

    • No facial waxing 1 week prior to chemical peel

    • No filler 1 week prior to chemical peel

    • No IPL or Laser Hair Removal 2 weeks prior to chemical peel

    • Wash your face with cool water. Warm or hot water might not feel as good as cool or cold water, which can help soothe post-peel sensations.

    • Moisturize and hydrate.

    • Apply sunscreen with SPF30 or more.

    • Avoid strenuous workouts, dry saunas and steam rooms.

    • Don't over-exfoliate

    • Do not engage in strenuous exercise for 2-3 days after treatment because it may exacerbate the inflammatory and can cause your skin to become extremely inflamed.